St. Lucia Passport Program

Project Summary

The Best Citizenships website released the 2021 Best Citizenship by Investment Ranking. This ranking comprehensively evaluated 37 important indicators related to investment immigration and citizenship projects in many countries around the world. St. Lucia successfully won the championship.

Affected by the epidemic, this year’s investment citizenship ranking has also changed. The citizenship by investment program that can obtain citizenship without landing is favored by more and more investors. According to the ranking, the St. Lucia citizenship by investment plan ranks first, followed by the Dominica citizenship by investment plan, and the Grenada citizenship by investment plan is third. Overall, the citizenship by investment programs of Caribbean countries occupy the top few places.

Country Summary

Saint Lucia became independent from the Commonwealth on February 22, 1979, and this day is National Day every year thereafter. Saint Lucia is a small island in the Lesser Antilles in the Eastern Caribbean Sea, covering an area of 617 square kilometers. It is one of the windward islands, more mountainous than most Caribbean islands, and is known as the “global honeymoon resort”. The GDP of Saint Lucia ranks among the top in island country passports, and its degree of economic freedom is second only to the European Union. Saint Lucia has a well-educated workforce. At the same time, improvements in roads, communications, water supply, sewage treatment and port facilities over the years have attracted a lot of foreign investment in tourism, oil storage and transshipment. In addition, in terms of offshore banking and tourism, Saint Lucia performed particularly well, with tourism accounting for 65% of GDP.

Application Requirements

Method 1: Donate

Single applicant: USD 100,000

Family of four: $150,000

Method 2: Holding real estate

The purchase price of a real estate project from the government is at least $300,000

Method 3: Buying national debt

The government of Saint Lucia has launched a new crown epidemic relief bond with a valid period extended to December 31, 2021. The cost for a family of four is $250,000. Need to hold for 5-7 years, and pay 30,000 US dollars in government management fees, as well as regular due diligence fees and passport fees.

Benefits and Advantages

  • The EU whitelist, and has simple background check. No landing is required during the whole process. The name can be changed simultaneously when applying for a passport. The original name is not displayed when opening a bank account.
  • Passport visa-free and visa-on-arrival 147 countries and regions, including: UK 6 months, European Schengen countries 90 days, China Hong Kong 90 days, South Korea 90 days, Singapore/Philippines/Malaysia 30 days and so on.
  • Provide descent naturalization options to children born in the future.
  • Among all Caribbean programs, a single applicant has the lowest capital expenditure
    No minimum detention days required.
  • Beautiful natural scenery, a romantic holiday paradise, while enjoying the island’s more convenient public infrastructure and cultural environment.
  • There are no restrictions on dual countries.
  • No capital gains tax and inheritance tax are levied.
  • Non-residents only pay taxes on income earned in Saint Lucia.
  • Those whose main place of residence is Saint Lucia are taxed on their global income.
  • The corporate tax rate is 30%, but if some companies are headquartered in Saint Lucia, they can enjoy a tax reduction with high benefits.

Application Process

The First Month

    • Initial due diligence, signing the customer agreement, filling in government forms and providing supporting documents. If buying real estate, sign an agreement with the developer

The 2nd -3rd months

    • Review, submit the application, and the government will process and complete due diligence.

After 4th Month:

    • After approval, government fees and donations will be paid.
      Or complete the purchase of real estate and issue a passport.