Federal Skilled Worker (FSW)

You need to meet all the minimum requirements for education, work experience and language; and you must achieve a minimum of 67 points out of 100 based on the Selection Factors Evaluation. Then you will be able to enter the Express Entry pool. When calculating the comprehensive ranking system CRS, you may be invited to apply for Canadian immigration.

Application Requirements

1. Selection Factors Evaluation 

If you meet all the minimum requirements regarding education, work experience, and language, your application will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

work experience
Do you have effective job opportunities
English and/or French skills
Adaptability (how well do you settle here)

These factors are the 100-point assessment criteria used to assess federal skilled immigration qualifications. The current passing score is 67 points.

2. CRS Comprehensive Ranking System

The Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) is a points-based system that evaluates and scores your profile, and ranks you in the Express Entry pool. The scores you get from CRS include a set of core scores (up to 600) and a set of additional scores (up to 600). Your total score will not exceed 1200.

The core score includes the following factors: up to 600 points.

  • Skills and experience factors
  • Spouse or common-law partner factors, such as their language skills and education
  • Transferability of skills, including education and work experience

Additional points include the following factors: up to 600 points

  • Canadian degree, diploma or certificate
  • Effective job opportunities
  • Nomination of a province or region
  • Bonus points for siblings of citizens or permanent residents living in Canada
  • Strong French expression skills

Our Services

Stage 1:Preliminary Evaluation

Stage 2 : Improve the score and enter the federal pool EE Pool

Stage 3 : Accept the Invitation to Apply

Stage 4:  Permanent Residency